I have just come to the realization that my list of priorities might need some reworking. Right now the list goes as follows:
1. School
2. Future job
3. Music
4. 4-H
5. Co-op
Because of the fact that it needs some tweaks here and there, over the next few days I will devote a bit of time to each priority, giving why it's a priority and why it might need to be moved down, up, or off my list. I will start from the bottom and work my way up.
Co-op...this has been an important, though momentary, priority for me because to me, co-op means friends. I know that I would not have the great group of friends that I have now if I wasn't in co-op. I also wouldn't be playing guitar, nor would I be learning how to write a good SAT essay. I also would never have had the outlet that I need for my natural dramatic tendencies. ;-) Yes, co-op has served an important part in my life, but I am now ready to move on.
When I firsted started co-op, I was looking for friends and people my age who understood all the little annoyances of being homeschooled. I found that and I am praying that I will never lose those people. Now, however, I am seeing that my time in co-op is done. The majority of the classes are for kids, not young adults. I see the end of co-op, and even though I am sad about leaving it, the majority of me is looking forward to it. I am grateful for this experience, but I am ready to move on to the next step in my life: college. I am not thinking "I wonder what I'm gonna do in co-op this Friday." I'm thinking "How on earth will I pay for college?" "When should I start working?" "How much does this college cost?" "What can I get done in hs school to make college easier?" "How much can I take at my community college so that university will be easier?" So, though co-op has been wonderful, I know, understand, and am ready accept that co-op will soon be over for me.
uhh what?
12 years ago
you better still do this next semester.
I'm still doing this next sem. Just after this next sem, that's it. I'm done...finished...*sighs with part happiness and part sadness*
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